Friday, December 21, 2012

witch painting and early creature ideations

Tried to be a little more specific with the textures with the clothing and fire.  Also fixed her pose.

These are really rough ideations.  I tried to play around with themes of ash/soot, fire, slender appendages, doll and some root aspects.  For the ones with the wings, I thought it would be interesting to have the wings be a cloud of ash/smoke, or doll like appendages wrapped in a burlap material?  Kinda like how some of the characters in the animated film, "9" were wrapped in burlap.

Most of them have the monster part of her extending out from the bottom, so her human-like form is attached like a head to the creature.

Let me know what you guys think.  I can get more specific with everything once I have some kind of direction.  Thanks!


  1. Kevan I like the fixes on the witch, it's looking better. I think that the creature ideations need more shape variations, but i do like the idea of using smoke.

    1. thanks. Yea, I'm aware that they all look pretty similar shape-wise. I was just playing around with two main body variations, but I'll try testing out more....
