Friday, December 21, 2012

Color keyes

Here are some VERY VERY lose color keys over Aaron's boards. If you guys critique them I can make corrections and tighten them enough that I can take out Aaron's lines on Monday.

Reference is at the top.


  1. I think the script is looking good.

    Maybe the panels are really small, but I can't tell what is going on in the third panel. And for the panel when he encounters bloody Mary, maybe incorporate more warm colors? You can also up the contrast on the hero on the last panel, so he reads as the main focus?

    Sorry if my comments don't make any sense. Its possible that I'm just not seeing the colors that you have put down because of my color blindness :(

    1. Oh no your comments are really helpful. If something doesn't read it doesn't read and color blindness doesn't matter.
      I will also change the format that I present the revisions so that they are more easily seen.

  2. I agree with Kevan. I think it looks super cool seeing the boards with color. I think you have the right temperature going with the lighting. however, you can pump up the contrast to bring clarity and reinforce the focal points more. That way, each image will read clearly, no matter how far away you are looking at them. So actually, your goal would be to make them look clear and readable even if they are small.
    Just looking at the film reference thumbnails- if there is a face, you can see it, even though the mood is dark. i don't think you quite have the clarity there.
    but i think the color choices are working nicely. i guess it's more a matter of value and contrast.
