Monday, December 31, 2012

Monster Turn Around

Hey guys, so this is the design that I decided upon.  Let me know if you guys have any issues with it. I'm planning to move on to color and will probably have a final painting done by the end of this week.


  1. Hey Kevan, nice stuff! I really love what that wingspan does for the character. I do have one thought though. I assume she is going to be doing some flying with those wings. Anatomically and physically speaking, shouldn't she have some sort of tail thing for flying. How would she be aerodynamic and steer in the air? Even bats have some sort of skin thing that extends between their legs. Also, visually speaking, it looks like a little more elongated shape coming from her body would be a nice balance to her wingspan. I mean, it might be as simple as having her legs/arms at the end straightened out during flight.

    1. thanks for the feedback aaron! I'll definitely think about the tail and also elongate the arms a little bit. i was thinking the longer arms would dangle down kinda like some types of insects.

      Another characteristic of the monster that I haven't shown yet is that whenever she flies, fire a smoke/ash trails behind her like a tail
