Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Meeting Recap

Meeting Recap:
VisDev: Overall think of your pieces as a 3D sculpture
Nathan: The character is coming off too much like a mountain man/trapper sort. He has too much mucstle as of now, and his thighs look huge. Maybe different hat shapes and a knife strap. More average build. For fur pelt maybe look at the intro to the film Gladiator.
Think of a defining feature for this character. What makes him really stand apart from the other gypsyies?
Luis: Have it be her face in the mirror. Destroy the floor. Shattered mirrors.
Kevan: Look at burn victims. Like from when the villagers burned her for being a witch. Incorperate Rackham style into the disfigurement. Her face still needs to be appealing. Think if you would take medicine from this woman? Still disfigure just more femine.
Give her more realistic porportions, because right now her arms are too long.  Her clothes need consideration. Are they worn and old? show more accurate wear and tear. If she has a long cloak it would drag in the mud.
For the creature think about scale. How big is it in comparason to her human for or to the protagonist? Also there are anatomical issues. How would the limbs work? How would a modeler model this or an animator make it move? Make her creature for still have feminine porportions, like long flowy limbs. Still watch out for the limbs getting confusing.
Winnie recconmmended looking at the boss called Sloth in Dante's Inferno.
Kim: The house choosen was to church-like. Mix and match the comps. Perhaps the tree next to the house is opposite of what the rest of the trees look like.In the forest trees perhaps childrens' faces. For the caravan more stuff on top, and maybe sad malnourished horses.
Eli: The base is working well. but how tall is the character. Narrow the halls to give a more scary feeling. Call outs. What is all of that made of?

Aaron: Revised boards
Luis: Finished Hub design
Eli: Line drawings
Winnie: Mirror modeled out
Nick: Old woman walk cycle
Kevan: Finalized witch with callouts
Nathan: Complete protagonist with turnaround and callouts
Manyee: Planning for action shot. gif file
Kim: Finalized cottage and caravan designs, iso, callouts

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