Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Bloody Mary and Monster Progress

Hey guys, this is what I have so far....I was planning to do a series of paintings to show her transformation from her human to her monster form.  I haven't gotten around to excluding the line work in the turnarounds though....i'll try to do that.  I kinda wanted to do a moment piece including Bloody Mary's monster form and the main character, but I need to see some environment stuff first before I start doing that.  Let me know if you guys have any problems with the work, thanks.


  1. Great amount of work. It's looking very good.
    Aaron, Luis and I met today.
    We were looking at your Bloody Mary monster and feel that she should have another toe the two fingers feel odd and perhaps there should be a third. Also what thickness are the wings? Are they like a bat? It would be interesting if the light of the moon shown through the wings on the render version.
    Also the monster's head shape is getting lost in the shoulders. So much that the shoulder in the render piece looks like a beak and the head is not noticed.
    I would like to see the render without the flowing yellow coming out the monster's backside. It gets confused with the wings.
    For the creature it may also be beneficial to draw out a skeleton. Aaron was unsure of the structure.
    On the human Mary render it's almost there. I would make the flames more believable. And I think her feet need more refinement. Then finally the ground needs texture to make it a real looking ground plane.

    1. Thanks Kim, the feedback that you guys have given is very helpful. I'll try to fix what I can in the next couple days.
