Friday, November 30, 2012

Note from This Week/Meeting Recap

Here are some things general notes from BFA that I felt were applicable to us now:
Tree bark is brown not gray.
Set up the protagonist and the situation
Be sensitive to the time period of your story.

Then notes from the faculty specifically for our group:
Spell-Check the slides
Kevan you need to change up your shapes. There are too many pointy, similar shapes coming out of your creatures. And they felt cartoon like
Kim carts didn't match the style influences we presented in our pitch.

For next week/Meeting Recap:
Winnie is going to model the the final hub, designed by Luis, and during winter break model the main Bloody Mary monster.
Visdev: Keep in mind for the mirror world we are going for twisted elegance. We decide to have Rackham style in the environments, like how his trees have personalities of their own. And we are using a similar color method as Nathan Fowkes. He highlights the focus of the piece in saturate color and the game-like qualities of his environments.
Luis finish is to finish his environment with isometric for Winnie by Monday. Was also going to sketch some ideations of the main protagonist as well.
Kevan was going to continue to design the main creature version of Bloody Mary. Less beast-like. Nathan was going to collaborate with Kevan on the monster version. Also designing the old woman version.
Nathan is working on designing the protagonist and his daughter. The protagonist needs to have an interesting silhouette from behind. Maybe change up the staff to a something a gypsy may have that can be used as a weapon, that won't make him look like a wizard. For the daughter look at how gypsy children are malnourished and sick. They look older in the face and have sunken eyes. While also helping to design the main creature with Kevan.
Eli is going to design parts of the mirror world.
Kim creating designs for the Real world while keeping the style influences in mind. Need to create believable scale in the designs.
EVERYONE your work is going to need turnarounds, isometrics and call-out sheets.
Aaron needs to add clarity that the house is Bloody Mary's instead of reading like it is the protagonist's. The gypsy camp and the witch's house are too close, so maybe he can follow a trail to her house. At the end he can land in the Mirror world.

Nick and Manyee acting shots according to what Annabel has assigned.


Here are a few links...

 The above links talk about level design and environment.

Thursday, November 29, 2012




A couple pages of my more readable comps for this week.

So Here is just some sketches that think what Mary will look like before the Demon transformation.

I know it not much, but I am working on the outfit now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Bloody Mary Monster

Hey guys,  here are some creature ideations of Bloody Mary's monster form.  Most of the time I was referencing bats, mosquitos, ticks, leeches, arachnids, and and anything that lives off of blood.  I'm trying not to be too conservative with the desisgns and I can definitely push them further.  I haven't had the chance to sketch out her human form, but I think I'll do that after I do some monster kid ideations.  Any feedback would be great.  Thanks

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Meeting Recap

Theses are my notes from Monday morning's meeting. Tell me if I left anything out.
Story and Gameplay:
The story will take place in WWI Eastern Europe, like Romania or Ukraine.
We decided that a caravan of gypsies have camped outside of Bloody Mary's cottage. The group's young women begin to be taken by the witch. To rescue his child our protagonist must enter the mirror world to save his daughter.

For game play we plan to use the mirrors for our character to move from world-to-world and acquires skills and weapons that aid him in his hunt.

What VisDev will do:
We will be doing realistic designs. Where the real world is more desaturated and the mirror world more saturate.
All the artists will tackle the main characters.
Kevan will be doing creature design. Possible concept: children as monsters.
The rest of the visdev artists will be doing environments and props.

Possible body/fighting mechanics

Winnie wants to model the boss.

For the Friday presentation:
What is our game about?
Discuss what each discipline is doing for the project.
Style guide/call outs to games

We will have a Google chat meeting at 9pm on Wednesday

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Meeting Tomorrow, Monday 11/26

Hey Guys,
I'm just reminding everyone of our meeting tomorrow at 11:30 am in the BFA lab.

Finalized Style Choices

And the winners are: Nathan Fowkes, Frank Schoonover, Arthur Rackham

So spend the next day gathering reference and maybe sketching a little before the Monday morning meeting. Think about a time period/setting that it would be interesting to put this legend of Bloody Mary into and we can discuss it at the meeting. Some cultures have been way too overdone in games so lets avoid those like the Middle East(Prince of Persia, Assasin's Creed, Journey). Or we can discuss multiple cultures to take certain aspects of into a new universe.

Friday, November 23, 2012


Hey folks hope you had a great holiday, but now we need to decide our style influences so we will vote on it here as soon as possible. Most of you only picked one. Since we need three go a head and pick two more so that we can research and sketch before Monday.
Here is the list(and remember to only pick one from each group):
Barry Moser
Jeff Jones
Nathan Fowkes
Heinrich Kley
Zhang Bu
Utagawa Hiroshige
Kay Nielson
Al Parker
James Thurber
John William Waterhouse
Abbott Thayer
Frank Schoonover
Elenore Abbott
Arthur Rackham
Franklin Booth
Thomas Hart Benton
Gustaf Tengren
Andres Francois
Ronald Searle
Rube Goldberg
John Held, Jr

Luis: Nathan Fowkes, Frank Schoonover, Ronald Searle
Kim: Nathan Fowkes, Waterhouse, Franklin Booth
Kevan: Jeff Jones, Arthur Aackham, Frank Schoonover
Winnie: Kay Nielson, Elenore Abbott, Heinrich Kley
Eli: ?
Nathan: Nathan Fowkes, Frank Schoonover, Arthur Rackham

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Urban legend choice

Hey guys,
I hope you can get on board with this idea. I decided to go with the BLOODY MARY story because it offers an interesting narrative, characters and environments to design, and a compelling enough conflict to drive the project.

Can everyone make it to a meeting on Monday? In the morning?

My three style choices

My choices are: Nathan Fowkes Frank Schoonover Ronald Searle

Game Idea

I liked the story Underground because it creates a lot of possibilities for environments and varies a lot in terms of how many levels there could be. We could probably make up some gameplay that would involve the interaction of the ghosts and humans. Here's the link to the story:


I would like to do a hunting for Sasquatch story. Two hunters in the wilderness surviving off the land and end up coming face to face with the beast. Lending itself to comedic horror.


I'm okay with whatever urban legend offers the best game play/boss concept. I think both Bloody Mary and Ten Red Crows offer these possibilities. As for artist choice I like Nathan Fowkes best, because his How To Train a Dragon environments could easy be referenced for a game style. As well as his figurative work. Second and third choices are Kley and Franklin Booth for artists.

Artist and Urban Legend Choice - Kevan

Hey guys,

My artist choice is Jeff Jones

And my urban legend is the Ten Red Crows

Although kinda vague, I thought the myth offered some cool visuals for environments, creatures, and a hero.

There are opportunities to design the:
-path that the crows take into the realm of darkness pass the east mullberry tree
-the environment for the heavenly realm
-the ten crows and their transformations
-moment pieces on how the crows affect the earth - Extreme apocalyptic climate change
-the archer that saves the earth from the crows

I can imagine the whole scene as a sort of..."boss battle" in a way?..haha..
My artist choice is Kay Nielson
and the URBAN LEGEND PREFERENCE is Black Dog of Hanging Hills

I think that using a black dog for the game character could be interesting, just like the game Okami. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Story idea

Hey guys,
I'm under the impression that most of you want to do design for a video game.
I was thinking of doing the bloody mary myth. The concept could be a ghostbusters/vampire slayer character who has to go into a haunted house to defeat bloody mary. Because she supposedly comes out of a mirror I was thinking that we could play up the theme of smoke and mirrors with that character.
I'm just throwing out ideas, but I would like to know what you guys are interested in by tomorrow.
I'm supposed to let the professors know our choice by tomorrow.


Hey everybody! I do believe that all of us(at least for the most part) are interested into going into games, so this should be fun! Could everyone post their urban legend and artist preference so we can get things figured out quickly.